
Every gift to The Red Devils Annual Fund makes a valuable difference, regardless of its size. Make your contribution today and improve the quality of life for breast cancer patients and their families. Your commitment to become a Quality of Life Donor will help us fund the essential support services that help ease the burdens of living with this life-altering disease.

Make a Gift by Phone 410.323.0135. Outside of business hours, please leave a message and someone will return your call.

Make a Gift by Mail — Complete and return this form with your gift. Checks made payable to The Red Devils may be sent to:
The Red Devils
1930 Greenspring Dr.
Lutherville-Timonium, MD  21093

Other Giving Options

    • Monthly Giving: For as little as $5 each month, you will providing on-going, reliable support for a breast cancer patient. Your Angels in Disguise gift will be charged to your credit card or deducted from your checking account.
    • United Way: Although we are not a United Way agency, donors may specify The Red Devils on the United Way donation form. Fill in the box on the United Way pledge form labeled “Other Health & Human Service Agency” with The Red Devils.
    • In-kind Contributions: If you have goods or services you would like to donate, please contact The Red Devils at 410.323.0135 or Restaurant and retail gift cards help patients endure the stress of treatment or celebrate milestones along their journey
    • Donate Your Car
    • Tribute Gifts Celebrate a special occasion, honor a loved one, or pay tribute to someone who has passed by making a contribution or designating The Red Devils as a beneficiary of others’ thoughtfulness.

The Red Devils is a 501 (c) (3) organization. Contributions are tax deductible as permitted by law. A copy of our current financial statement is available upon request by contacting The Red Devils at the address above. Documents and information submitted to the State of Maryland under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are available from the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost of copying and postage.